Saturday, January 15, 2011

Staying connected

Some other Peace Corps Volunteers and I opened a BP box where you can mail me things...not going to lie, a snail mail letter or care package can be soul reviving! So if the spirit should take you and you want to write address your letter/package as follows:

Caitlyn Griffith/Peace Corps Volunteer
BP 47

and believe it or not thats all it takes!
letter take about 3 weeks and packages can take about two months to get here via US postal service.
I promise to write you back:)

much love to you all



Sarah said...

well i will just show my Africa ignorance, but what is a BP box? British Petroleum...? British Post? Baby Poo? just curious...i might need to get me one of these....

Caitlyn Griffith said...

yeah no idea....haha not anything british...the Brits have no place here in Rwanda...

Sarah said...

bahaha. who knows. might have to check it out. can i send mail from Uganda there?